Cheap Chicken Treat and Human Entertainment

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How to economically give you chickens a treat while also giving your cheap entertainment.


Watch Josh, from Stoney Ridge Farmer, show you how to give your flock a healthy, fun treat. Chickens love to scratch and peck. So this gives them exactly what they like. Plus, he gives a coop tour from his farm and shows you what he does.

Sitting on the porch watching your chickens scratch, peck, and cluck around can be very calming and entertaining. Some of you could probably do it for hours on end! If you like “chicken watching” (like people watching, only its chickens), you’ll love this video.

So watch the video, grab a cold beverage, take a seat and enjoy your happy flock.

Source: Stoney Ridge Farmer

Omlet has some fantastic treat toys and holders. CLICK HERE to check them out!  Use the code HQ to get 10% off when you buy in their US/UK/IE/AUS stores.


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