9 Chicken Coops So Nice You’ll Want To Move In

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Typically, you don’t think of a chicken coop as fancy, but every once in awhile I’ll come across one and think to myself, “I could live in that.”

Scroll through to the last one, pick your favorite, and share this post on your social media.  See if your family and friends have the same favorite one.

#1 Cozy Coop


The farmhouse style for a chicken coop is perfect. I love the light fixture above the door and the planter boxes on the sides.

Click here to see @angelascozyhome’s coop

#2 Rustic Coop

SOURCE: 1001 Gardens

This one looks like the perfect cabin in the woods. I love the vegetation on the roof too.

Click here to see more of the Rustic Coop

#3 Chic Chicken

SOURCE: Home Bunch

This coop is pretty chic. I’m no interior decorator, but this doesn’t look like a simple weekend project to me.

Click here to see more of the Chic Chicken

#4 The Bird House

SOURCE: Backyard Chickens

There is a lot of meticulous detail on this coop. A lot of love went into building this. Even the inside has a lot of cute additions.

Click here to see more of The Bird House

#5 The Fancy Farmhouse DIY Chicken Coop

SOURCE: Farmhouse Room

I know, another farmhouse, but I love farmhouse. I don’t know if its the irony or just the design. But look at that door!

Click here to see more of The Fancy Farmhouse DIY Chicken Coop

#6 Chapel Style

SOURCE: Blogspot

This chicken coop is unreal! The chimney with the weather vein. The iron fencing. Can you imagine a little chicken wedding happening here?!

Click here to see more of The Chapel Style

#7 Beautiful Garden Sheds

SOURCE: Small Garden Love

I love the little tower and the rounded door. These are some lucky chickens.

Click here to see more of The Beautiful Garden Sheds

#8 Sweet South Cottage

SOURCE: Sweet South Cottage

The double doors with the deck railing make this coop perfect.

Click here to see more of The Sweet South Cottage

#9 Marvelous French Norman Manor

SOURCE: My Fancy House

I think this one is my favorite, well maybe 6. No, this one. I love the stone and the dome is pretty amazing as well. But the tunnel that connects both sides. And….never mind I’ll stop.

Click here to see more of The Marvelous French Norman Manor


I hope you enjoyed these chicken coops as much as I did. I love watching how creative people can be when it comes to little things, like a chicken coop. Which one was your favorite? Remember to share this post on social media and make sure post what one you liked the best. Sharing is caring and helps us keep growing here at BackyardChickensHQ.

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